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In order to cater to the demand of the guardians and conscious citizens of this vicinity. of ‘JIM CORBETT PUBLIC SCHOOL‘ from 1st to 12th std. on C.B.S.E. pattern with English as medium of instruction. Now it is recognized school upto XIIth, affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi.
The school aims at preparing the students mentally alert and morally sound to the extent that they contribute to the evolution of Indian, a country of our dreams. We are committed to make its students physically as well as mentally fit and dynamic so as to achieve their targets in social, scientific and economic spheres. They are expected to play a vital role in the emerging world challenges.
To assure the students with the best analytical, practical, innovative and most well informed study environment, a huge investment has been made to endow the children with leading edge Library facility, fully functional Computer Lab and Language Laboratory.
With this great sincerity and dedication, the highly qualified staff is univocally focused on creating leaders out of students. We desire leaders who are creative, critical and calculative thinkers who can handle various challenges effectively, proactively and efficiently.
To give an environment which helps students develop their innate talent (Linguistic, Logical, Visual, Spatial, Kinaesthetic, Intra, Interpersonal and Natural) and inculcate the spirit of “Service Before Self.”
To provide quality education for the industrial and socio-economic development with its diverse cultures through relevant programs in instruction, research, extension, and community involvement and to evolve competent leaders through holistic and contemporary learning experience.
JIM CORBETT PUBLIC SCHOOL, running on the Public School line aims at a harmonious development of pupils physical, mental & moral powers with emphasis on character building and growth of an integrated personality.
Our school, has come a long way. It began with 21 teachers and 545 students. Today we are a flourishing family of 720 students and 40 teachers. The school has state of the art infrastructure – a spacious sports complex, yoga hall, recording studio, science labs, in-house infirmary and auditorium
It aims to develop creative learning skills to foster self-expression and all around growth. Beside academics, the school aims at the development of the entire personality of the student. Hence, the education is directed towards the training of the pupils intellectual moral, emotional, physical and such other cultural attainments as are suitable for boys and girls.
The school atmosphere includes in them regards for principles of school justice, equality of opportunities, freedom for religion and moral values enshrined in the constitution of India. Assists them to enjoy their leisure period through healthy and recreational activities and develops habits of reading and hobbies for the life-time pleasure and joy.
Assists them to enjoy their leisure period through healthy and recreational activities and develops habits of reading and hobbies for the life-time pleasure and joy.
Enlarges the mental horizon and broadens the outlook of the mind through training and developing in them sense of co-operation, mutual understanding, team spirit and social services.
Thus, here the students are encouraged to strive after excellence in every field, to be clear and firm on principles and courageous in action to be unselfish in the service of their fellow men. Every student is helped to develop within himself a sense of self-respect, freedom, justice, equality and scientific attitude.